Lately news is spreading like wildfire across the forums of the interweb about this super-secret DS project being done by WarpPipe - the guys who made the broadband connectivity stuff for the GameCube. The developers are having great fun dropping hints, but aren't saying anything official until mid-October.
Clues include
The first has an animal crossing his path. Hmm. The second is a marionette - mario-net-te - and has a DS for eyeballs and some strange thing for a mouth. The third says "anti-isolation" backwards. Aside from that and some equally cryptic textual clues, guesses are across the board from super-globe-encompassing p2p networks to Nintendo launching satellites. And the developers have basically said this is too revolutionary of a concept to be simply a network. Then again, maybe it's being overhyped and IS just a network... but heck, a universal DS network in itself would pwn all. omgwtf!?
The original topics are on
N-Sider and
Warp Pipe, where they dropped some of the same clues and nobody even knew something was going on at the other until one guy happened to be on both forums. what r teh link!?
mid-october, we need joo ;_;